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Monthly Market Returns
The following statistics are from the “2017 Stock Trader’s Almanac,” edited by Jeffrey A. Hirsch & Yale Hirsch... www.stocktradersalmanac.com
S&P 500 Monthly % Performance (Jan. 1950-April 2016)
JAN 0.9
FEB 0.05
MAR 1.2
APR 1.5
MAY 0.2
JUN -0.03
JUL 1.0
AUG -0.09
SEP -0.5
OCT 0.9
NOV 1.5
DEC 1.6
Nasdaq Monthly % Performance (Jan. 1971-April 2016)
JAN 2.5
FEB 0.7
MAR 0.9
APR 1.3
MAY 0.9
JUN 0.7
JUL 0.2
AUG 0.1
SEP -0.6
OCT 0.8
NOV 1.6
DEC 1.9
*Nov. 1 thru Jan. 31 is thus a pretty powerful period for Nasdaq ...6% average gain.
Wall Street History will return in two weeks.
Brian Trumbore