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Steel Production, Update

*See note below regarding formatting of this piece.

Following is an update of a piece I did last September concerning
steel production. For many market watchers, this figure (which
can be found weekly in Barron''s) is as good an indicator for the
health of the U.S. economy as any other. Certainly, it is a good
indicator for the manufacturing sector. Last fall, for example, I
noticed the trend was down and this correctly forecast the severe
slump that we witnessed thereafter.

But what forces me to revise the figures today is the fact that
steel production has actually risen over the past few months.
This hasn''t always been the case for the Jan. - March period.
For instance, I have figures going back to the spring of 1990, and
for the first quarter of 1993 and 1994, production was flat.

So is this rise in output forecasting an imminent rebound in
manufacturing? Possibly. Yes, there are many other factors to
look at, but this one can not be ignored.

Lastly, however, you need to know that the steel figures can be
skewed by the levels of foreign dumping on our market,
something which I can not (nor do I have the time to) explore
beyond anecdotal evidence. Nonetheless, in reviewing the
following, don''t focus on the hard numbers, rather you want to
look for trends. And, if nothing else, I have supplied you with
the weekly close for the Dow Jones over the past few years!


--The figures represent ''thousand tons'' produced in a week.
There is generally a one-week delay between my date and the
actual production period.
--You will see some ''dupes.'' These are not typos on my part.
Sometimes the numbers stated in Barron''s are not updated or
revised properly.
--Sorry, time prohibits me from displaying more than 5 years
history. If, however, you have a specific question regarding a
specific point in time since 3/90, I can help you out. Understand
it may take me a few days to respond to your inquiry.
--*The numbers may appear askew depending on your browser.
If you would like, I can e-mail you a better copy. Again, just
give me a little time to respond. And if I happen to be out of the
country at the time, it may be longer than that!

Brian Trumbore

Date Steel Dow Jones

3/23/01 2011 9504
3/16/01 2009 9823
3/9/01 1989 10644
3/2/01 1953 10466
2/23/01 1899 10441
2/16/01 1894 10799
2/9/01 1852 10781
2/2/01 1849 10864
1/26/01 1894 10659
1/19/01 1889 10587
1/12/01 1813 10525
1/5/01 1593 10662
12/29/00 1680 10786
12/22/00 1759 10635
12/15/00 1903 10434
12/8/00 1874 10712
12/1/00 1874 10373
11/24/00 1868 10470
11/17/00 1983 10629
11/10/00 1972 10602
11/3/00 1942 10817
10/27/00 1974 10590
10/20/00 2042 10226
10/13/00 2027 10193
10/6/00 2129 10596
9/29/00 2088 10650
9/22/00 2013 10647
9/15/00 2078 10927
9/8/00 2078 11221
9/1/00 2068 11238
8/25/00 2068 11192
8/18/00 2015 11046
8/11/00 2149 11027
8/4/00 2168 10767
7/28/00 2097 10511
7/21/00 2125 10733
7/14/00 2242 10812
7/7/00 2243 10635
6/30/00 2254 10447
6/23/00 2305 10404
6/16/00 2223 10449
6/9/00 2223 10614
6/2/00 2309 10794
5/26/00 2345 10299
5/19/00 2325 10626
5/12/00 2339 10609
5/5/00 2282 10577
4/28/00 2320 10733
4/21/00 2320 10844
4/14/00 2337 10305
4/7/00 2379 11111
3/31/00 2329 10921
3/24/00 2290 11112
3/17/00 2270 10595
3/10/00 2284 9829
3/3/00 2299 10367
2/25/00 2317 9862
2/18/00 2272 10219
2/11/00 2194 10425
2/4/00 2197 10963
1/28/00 2222 10738
1/21/00 2207 11251
1/14/00 2237 11722*
1/7/00 2086 11522
12/31/99 2238 11497
12/24/99 2168 11405
12/17/99 2101 11257
12/10/99 2089 11224
12/3/99 2206 11286
11/26/99 2128 10988
11/19/99 2172 11003
11/12/99 2064 10769
11/5/99 2111 10704
10/29/99 2090 10729
10/22/99 2101 10470
10/15/99 2024 10019
10/8/99 2065 10649
10/1/99 2007 10273
9/24/99 1969 10279
9/17/99 1990 10803
9/10/99 1992 11028
9/3/99 1970 11078
8/27/99 1995 11090
8/20/99 2009 11100
8/13/99 2014 10973
8/6/99 1885 10714
7/30/99 1982 10655
7/23/99 1948 10921
7/16/99 1900 11209
7/9/99 1986 11193
7/2/99 1971 11139
6/25/99 1942 10552
6/18/99 1825 10855
6/11/99 1964 10490
6/4/99 1991 10799
5/28/99 1991 10559
5/21/99 1957 10829
5/14/99 1911 10913
5/7/99 1956 11031
4/30/99 1961 10789
4/23/99 1875 10689
4/16/99 1960 10493
4/9/99 2051 10173
4/2/99 1972 9832
3/26/99 1992 9822
3/19/99 1943 9903
3/12/99 2044 9876
3/5/99 2024 9736
2/26/99 1973 9307
2/19/99 1930 9339
2/12/99 1959 9274
2/5/99 2002 9304
1/29/99 2002 9358
1/22/99 1865 9120
1/15/99 1843 9341
1/8/99 1787 9643
1/1/99 1924 9183
12/25/98 1924 9217
12/18/98 1881 8903
12/11/98 1747 8821
12/4/98 1736 9016
11/27/98 1892 9333
11/20/98 1864 9159
11/13/98 1841 8920
11/6/98 1920 8975
10/30/98 1986 8592
10/23/98 2011 8452
10/16/98 1893 8416
10/9/98 1969 7899
10/2/98 1929 7784
9/25/98 1899 8028
9/18/98 2074 7895
9/11/98 2112 7795
9/4/98 2040 7640
8/28/98 2127 8051
8/21/98 2120 8533
8/14/98 2061 8425
8/7/98 2066 8598
7/31/98 2013 8883
7/24/98 1962 8937
7/17/98 2010 9337
7/10/98 1968 9105
7/3/98 1888 9025
6/26/98 2067 8944
6/19/98 2190 8712
6/12/98 2150 8834
6/5/98 2208 9037
5/29/98 2160 8899
5/22/98 2135 9114
5/15/98 2193 9096
5/8/98 2228 9055
5/1/98 2200 9147
4/24/98 2148 9064
4/17/98 2174 9167
4/10/98 2218 8994
4/3/98 2246 8983
3/27/98 2250 8796
3/20/98 2102 8906
3/13/98 2216 8602
3/6/98 2294 8569
2/27/98 2382 8545
2/20/98 2232 8413
2/13/98 2167 8370
2/6/98 2251 8189
1/30/98 2221 7906
1/23/98 2250 7700
1/16/98 2223 7753
1/9/98 2154 7580
1/2/98 2183 7965
12/26/97 2183 7679
12/19/97 2158 7756
12/12/97 2162 7838
12/5/97 2234 8149
11/28/97 2180 7823
11/21/97 2160 7881
11/14/97 2189 7572
11/7/97 2159 7581
10/31/97 2127 7442
10/24/97 2164 7715
10/17/97 2178 7847
10/10/97 2155 8045
10/3/97 2246 8038
9/26/97 2155 7922
9/19/97 2175 7917
9/12/97 2170 7742
9/5/97 2171 7822
8/29/97 2027 7622
8/22/97 2029 7887
8/15/97 1992 7694
8/8/97 1922 8031
8/1/97 1983 8194
7/25/97 2046 8113
7/18/97 2056 7890
7/11/97 2080 7921
7/4/97 2043 7895
6/27/97 2149 7687
6/20/97 2092 7796
6/13/97 2084 7782
6/6/97 2138 7435
5/30/97 2058 7331
5/23/97 2058 7345
5/16/97 2094 7199
5/9/97 2112 7169
5/2/97 2057 7071
4/25/97 2069 6738
4/18/97 2067 6703
4/11/97 2150 6391
4/4/97 2149 6526
3/28/97 2102 6741
3/21/97 2102 6805
3/14/97 2138 6935
3/7/97 2115 7000
2/28/97 2115 6858
2/21/97 2078 6931
2/14/97 2033 6989
2/7/97 2019 6855
1/31/97 1999 6831
1/24/97 1954 6696
1/17/97 1994 6833
1/10/97 1999 6703
1/3/97 1998 6544
12/27/96 1959 6560
12/20/96 1959 6484
12/13/96 1924 6304
12/6/96 1946 6381
11/29/96 1914 6521
11/22/96 1904 6471
11/15/96 1959 6348
11/8/96 1946 6219
11/1/96 1939 6021
10/25/96 1892 6007
10/18/96 2029 6094
10/11/96 1985 5969
10/4/96 1972 5992
9/27/96 1942 5872
9/20/96 1987 5889
9/13/96 1984 5838
9/6/96 1952 5659
8/30/96 1933 5616
8/23/96 1951 5722
8/16/96 1936 5689
8/9/96 2022 5681
8/2/96 1964 5679
7/26/96 1939 5473
7/19/96 1941 5426
7/12/96 2005 5510
7/5/96 1986 5588
6/28/96 1983 5654
6/21/96 2051 5705
6/14/96 2056 5649
6/7/96 2023 5697
5/31/96 1980 5643
5/24/96 1989 5762
5/17/96 1977 5687
5/10/96 1971 5518
5/3/96 2029 5478
4/26/96 2017 5567
4/19/96 1961 5535
4/12/96 2045 5532
4/5/96 2103 5682
3/29/96 2098 5587
3/22/96 2042 5636
3/15/96 2101 5584
3/8/96 2085 5470
3/1/96 2105 5536
2/23/96 2085 5630
2/16/96 1971 5503
2/9/96 2030 5541
2/2/96 2040 5373
1/26/96 2035 5271
1/19/96 2031 5184
1/12/96 1818 5061
1/5/96 1818 5181
12/29/95 1798 5117
12/22/95 1798 5097
12/15/95 1882 5176
12/8/95 1934 5156
12/1/95 1886 5087
11/24/95 1877 5048
11/17/95 1895 4989
11/10/95 1863 4870
11/3/95 1926 4825
10/27/95 1834 4741
10/20/95 1852 4794
10/13/95 1951 4793
10/6/95 1934 4769
9/29/95 1955 4789
9/22/95 1965 4764
9/15/95 1984 4797
9/8/95 1949 4700
9/1/95 1904 4647
8/25/95 1873 4601
8/18/95 1906 4617
8/11/95 1906 4618
8/4/95 1895 4683
7/28/95 1858 4715
7/21/95 1926 4641
7/14/95 1919 4708
7/7/95 1859 4703

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Wall Street History


Steel Production, Update

*See note below regarding formatting of this piece.

Following is an update of a piece I did last September concerning
steel production. For many market watchers, this figure (which
can be found weekly in Barron''s) is as good an indicator for the
health of the U.S. economy as any other. Certainly, it is a good
indicator for the manufacturing sector. Last fall, for example, I
noticed the trend was down and this correctly forecast the severe
slump that we witnessed thereafter.

But what forces me to revise the figures today is the fact that
steel production has actually risen over the past few months.
This hasn''t always been the case for the Jan. - March period.
For instance, I have figures going back to the spring of 1990, and
for the first quarter of 1993 and 1994, production was flat.

So is this rise in output forecasting an imminent rebound in
manufacturing? Possibly. Yes, there are many other factors to
look at, but this one can not be ignored.

Lastly, however, you need to know that the steel figures can be
skewed by the levels of foreign dumping on our market,
something which I can not (nor do I have the time to) explore
beyond anecdotal evidence. Nonetheless, in reviewing the
following, don''t focus on the hard numbers, rather you want to
look for trends. And, if nothing else, I have supplied you with
the weekly close for the Dow Jones over the past few years!


--The figures represent ''thousand tons'' produced in a week.
There is generally a one-week delay between my date and the
actual production period.
--You will see some ''dupes.'' These are not typos on my part.
Sometimes the numbers stated in Barron''s are not updated or
revised properly.
--Sorry, time prohibits me from displaying more than 5 years
history. If, however, you have a specific question regarding a
specific point in time since 3/90, I can help you out. Understand
it may take me a few days to respond to your inquiry.
--*The numbers may appear askew depending on your browser.
If you would like, I can e-mail you a better copy. Again, just
give me a little time to respond. And if I happen to be out of the
country at the time, it may be longer than that!

Brian Trumbore

Date Steel Dow Jones

3/23/01 2011 9504
3/16/01 2009 9823
3/9/01 1989 10644
3/2/01 1953 10466
2/23/01 1899 10441
2/16/01 1894 10799
2/9/01 1852 10781
2/2/01 1849 10864
1/26/01 1894 10659
1/19/01 1889 10587
1/12/01 1813 10525
1/5/01 1593 10662
12/29/00 1680 10786
12/22/00 1759 10635
12/15/00 1903 10434
12/8/00 1874 10712
12/1/00 1874 10373
11/24/00 1868 10470
11/17/00 1983 10629
11/10/00 1972 10602
11/3/00 1942 10817
10/27/00 1974 10590
10/20/00 2042 10226
10/13/00 2027 10193
10/6/00 2129 10596
9/29/00 2088 10650
9/22/00 2013 10647
9/15/00 2078 10927
9/8/00 2078 11221
9/1/00 2068 11238
8/25/00 2068 11192
8/18/00 2015 11046
8/11/00 2149 11027
8/4/00 2168 10767
7/28/00 2097 10511
7/21/00 2125 10733
7/14/00 2242 10812
7/7/00 2243 10635
6/30/00 2254 10447
6/23/00 2305 10404
6/16/00 2223 10449
6/9/00 2223 10614
6/2/00 2309 10794
5/26/00 2345 10299
5/19/00 2325 10626
5/12/00 2339 10609
5/5/00 2282 10577
4/28/00 2320 10733
4/21/00 2320 10844
4/14/00 2337 10305
4/7/00 2379 11111
3/31/00 2329 10921
3/24/00 2290 11112
3/17/00 2270 10595
3/10/00 2284 9829
3/3/00 2299 10367
2/25/00 2317 9862
2/18/00 2272 10219
2/11/00 2194 10425
2/4/00 2197 10963
1/28/00 2222 10738
1/21/00 2207 11251
1/14/00 2237 11722*
1/7/00 2086 11522
12/31/99 2238 11497
12/24/99 2168 11405
12/17/99 2101 11257
12/10/99 2089 11224
12/3/99 2206 11286
11/26/99 2128 10988
11/19/99 2172 11003
11/12/99 2064 10769
11/5/99 2111 10704
10/29/99 2090 10729
10/22/99 2101 10470
10/15/99 2024 10019
10/8/99 2065 10649
10/1/99 2007 10273
9/24/99 1969 10279
9/17/99 1990 10803
9/10/99 1992 11028
9/3/99 1970 11078
8/27/99 1995 11090
8/20/99 2009 11100
8/13/99 2014 10973
8/6/99 1885 10714
7/30/99 1982 10655
7/23/99 1948 10921
7/16/99 1900 11209
7/9/99 1986 11193
7/2/99 1971 11139
6/25/99 1942 10552
6/18/99 1825 10855
6/11/99 1964 10490
6/4/99 1991 10799
5/28/99 1991 10559
5/21/99 1957 10829
5/14/99 1911 10913
5/7/99 1956 11031
4/30/99 1961 10789
4/23/99 1875 10689
4/16/99 1960 10493
4/9/99 2051 10173
4/2/99 1972 9832
3/26/99 1992 9822
3/19/99 1943 9903
3/12/99 2044 9876
3/5/99 2024 9736
2/26/99 1973 9307
2/19/99 1930 9339
2/12/99 1959 9274
2/5/99 2002 9304
1/29/99 2002 9358
1/22/99 1865 9120
1/15/99 1843 9341
1/8/99 1787 9643
1/1/99 1924 9183
12/25/98 1924 9217
12/18/98 1881 8903
12/11/98 1747 8821
12/4/98 1736 9016
11/27/98 1892 9333
11/20/98 1864 9159
11/13/98 1841 8920
11/6/98 1920 8975
10/30/98 1986 8592
10/23/98 2011 8452
10/16/98 1893 8416
10/9/98 1969 7899
10/2/98 1929 7784
9/25/98 1899 8028
9/18/98 2074 7895
9/11/98 2112 7795
9/4/98 2040 7640
8/28/98 2127 8051
8/21/98 2120 8533
8/14/98 2061 8425
8/7/98 2066 8598
7/31/98 2013 8883
7/24/98 1962 8937
7/17/98 2010 9337
7/10/98 1968 9105
7/3/98 1888 9025
6/26/98 2067 8944
6/19/98 2190 8712
6/12/98 2150 8834
6/5/98 2208 9037
5/29/98 2160 8899
5/22/98 2135 9114
5/15/98 2193 9096
5/8/98 2228 9055
5/1/98 2200 9147
4/24/98 2148 9064
4/17/98 2174 9167
4/10/98 2218 8994
4/3/98 2246 8983
3/27/98 2250 8796
3/20/98 2102 8906
3/13/98 2216 8602
3/6/98 2294 8569
2/27/98 2382 8545
2/20/98 2232 8413
2/13/98 2167 8370
2/6/98 2251 8189
1/30/98 2221 7906
1/23/98 2250 7700
1/16/98 2223 7753
1/9/98 2154 7580
1/2/98 2183 7965
12/26/97 2183 7679
12/19/97 2158 7756
12/12/97 2162 7838
12/5/97 2234 8149
11/28/97 2180 7823
11/21/97 2160 7881
11/14/97 2189 7572
11/7/97 2159 7581
10/31/97 2127 7442
10/24/97 2164 7715
10/17/97 2178 7847
10/10/97 2155 8045
10/3/97 2246 8038
9/26/97 2155 7922
9/19/97 2175 7917
9/12/97 2170 7742
9/5/97 2171 7822
8/29/97 2027 7622
8/22/97 2029 7887
8/15/97 1992 7694
8/8/97 1922 8031
8/1/97 1983 8194
7/25/97 2046 8113
7/18/97 2056 7890
7/11/97 2080 7921
7/4/97 2043 7895
6/27/97 2149 7687
6/20/97 2092 7796
6/13/97 2084 7782
6/6/97 2138 7435
5/30/97 2058 7331
5/23/97 2058 7345
5/16/97 2094 7199
5/9/97 2112 7169
5/2/97 2057 7071
4/25/97 2069 6738
4/18/97 2067 6703
4/11/97 2150 6391
4/4/97 2149 6526
3/28/97 2102 6741
3/21/97 2102 6805
3/14/97 2138 6935
3/7/97 2115 7000
2/28/97 2115 6858
2/21/97 2078 6931
2/14/97 2033 6989
2/7/97 2019 6855
1/31/97 1999 6831
1/24/97 1954 6696
1/17/97 1994 6833
1/10/97 1999 6703
1/3/97 1998 6544
12/27/96 1959 6560
12/20/96 1959 6484
12/13/96 1924 6304
12/6/96 1946 6381
11/29/96 1914 6521
11/22/96 1904 6471
11/15/96 1959 6348
11/8/96 1946 6219
11/1/96 1939 6021
10/25/96 1892 6007
10/18/96 2029 6094
10/11/96 1985 5969
10/4/96 1972 5992
9/27/96 1942 5872
9/20/96 1987 5889
9/13/96 1984 5838
9/6/96 1952 5659
8/30/96 1933 5616
8/23/96 1951 5722
8/16/96 1936 5689
8/9/96 2022 5681
8/2/96 1964 5679
7/26/96 1939 5473
7/19/96 1941 5426
7/12/96 2005 5510
7/5/96 1986 5588
6/28/96 1983 5654
6/21/96 2051 5705
6/14/96 2056 5649
6/7/96 2023 5697
5/31/96 1980 5643
5/24/96 1989 5762
5/17/96 1977 5687
5/10/96 1971 5518
5/3/96 2029 5478
4/26/96 2017 5567
4/19/96 1961 5535
4/12/96 2045 5532
4/5/96 2103 5682
3/29/96 2098 5587
3/22/96 2042 5636
3/15/96 2101 5584
3/8/96 2085 5470
3/1/96 2105 5536
2/23/96 2085 5630
2/16/96 1971 5503
2/9/96 2030 5541
2/2/96 2040 5373
1/26/96 2035 5271
1/19/96 2031 5184
1/12/96 1818 5061
1/5/96 1818 5181
12/29/95 1798 5117
12/22/95 1798 5097
12/15/95 1882 5176
12/8/95 1934 5156
12/1/95 1886 5087
11/24/95 1877 5048
11/17/95 1895 4989
11/10/95 1863 4870
11/3/95 1926 4825
10/27/95 1834 4741
10/20/95 1852 4794
10/13/95 1951 4793
10/6/95 1934 4769
9/29/95 1955 4789
9/22/95 1965 4764
9/15/95 1984 4797
9/8/95 1949 4700
9/1/95 1904 4647
8/25/95 1873 4601
8/18/95 1906 4617
8/11/95 1906 4618
8/4/95 1895 4683
7/28/95 1858 4715
7/21/95 1926 4641
7/14/95 1919 4708
7/7/95 1859 4703